Top Tips for a Near-Perfect PCB Design Every Time


PCB design can sometimes be a little bit hit or miss. It takes a lot of practice to be able to make even simple circuits work the first time so it really is a case of trial and error. If you want to improve your PCB design so you are designing a near-perfect board each and every time, check out these tips.

Keep Your Old Designs

You are often your best teacher. Keep a library of all your past projects so you can reference them as needed. If you ever find yourself stuck on a certain aspect of a design, check your old designs to see if you have ever done something similar. It might be just the thing you need to help you work out the snag in the design you have.

Find a Design Software That Works for You

There are many different types of design PCB software on the market and they can all help you design whatever circuit boards you are thinking about. However, some of them may be more suited to you than others. Everyone’s brains are wired differently and what one designer may find intuitive, another may find overly complicated. Find the software which best works for you, and you alone.

Know How to Spot Mistakes

Often with PCB design, the mistakes aren’t massive. Instead, what frequently happens is people become careless and they throw together something riddled with tiny mistakes which can all add up to a design which does not work. If you know how to spot the little mistakes, you will be able to make sure that you aren’t making them.

Never let yourself grow complacent, just because you have designed this board before doesn’t mean that you will be able to do it again perfectly. You might even now be able to improve it and make the design even better! Approach each new project as if you have never tackled it before and you will be sure to catch more mistakes before you make them.

Take a Break

One of the best ways to make sure that you are designing to the best of your abilities is to take a break and step away from your work station every now and then. Grab a coffee, have a little walk, just do something other than sitting at your desk staring at the design UI. Even if you only do PCB design as a hobby, it is important that you take a break from it in the middle of a project.

When you are ready, you will return to the project with fresh eyes. You may be able to work something new out or simply tackle the outstanding work with renewed vigour. Before you know it, a perfect PCB will be yours!

If you have been looking into simple ways to improve your PCB designs, try one of the tips on this list. Sometimes, it isn’t about technical capabilities. You just need to know how to look at a problem from another angle.