Understanding the Concept of Statistical Quality Control

Statistical Quality Control

Any business, irrespective of the shape, size or form, needs to be quality centric and user-oriented which considerably are the metrics to determine the best running businesses.

Once you start delivering high-grade products to the end-users, you partly acquire your objective and be close to the probability of winning i.e. driving super sales and ever-high productivity.

Statistical quality control, on simple grounds, is the use of statistical methods in monitoring and maintaining the worthwhile data which enhances the quality of an enterprise’s products, features, services, and all that it has to serve.

What Is Quality In Statistical Quality Control?

  • Quality is fitness for use.
  • Quality is inversely proportional to variability.
  • Quality improvement is the reduction of variability in process and products.
  • Quality is to acquire leads, gain conversions and earn user’s trust refining statistical data.
  • Finally, Quality is to achieve business tasks keeping in mind customer satisfaction.

Is SQC Data-Based And More Scientific In Approach?

Yes! It is considered better than traditional quality control as reversibly, SQC is data-based progressing extensively with a scientific approach.

Statistical process control refers to the collection and analysis of manufacturing data with the intention of improving product quality, thus delivering the best, at last, to witness great user experience.


Take a rundown at the Data hierarchy which undergoes multiple filters and then is made useful to be utilized in the step-by-step development processes fulfilling the crucial business goals.

Milestone 1: Historical user data(raw data) is collected.

Milestone 2: Gathering such data involves-surveyed data, feedback data, social media derived data and much more forms.

Milestone 3: The information accumulated, is examined using various analytic tools undergoing data analysis.

Milestone 4: The resulting data sets are structured and well organized those provide valuable statistical insights to a business which works in accordance with the customer specifications.

What Are The Business Tasks to Acquire?

  • Critical Decision Making
  • Qualified Lead Generation
  • Predictive Analysis
  • Pattern Analysis
  • Customer Behavior

Are these tasks completed just with the help of human efforts?

Of course not! You need some software and tools to give some semantic outcomes. Moreover, being a business it becomes necessary to involve sales automation for you get a higher edge in the competition

Statistical quality control includes a set of various analytical tools for evaluating the organizational quality by the efforts made by quality professionals.

The Inside Of SQC

Statistical Quality Control can be bifurcated into the following three broad categories essential for you to get familiar with:

Acceptance Sampling:

  • Involves batch sampling by inspection
  • It consists of the process of randomly inspecting a sample of goods and deciding whether to accept the entire lot based on the results
  • Can be used when a decision must be made whether desirable quality is being achieved for a batch of product or not.

Statistical Process Control

  • Acts as a quality check determinant
  • Uses graphical displays those are the control charts to determine whether a process should be continued or altered to achieve the desired quality.
  • SPC proves its vitality for a process since it helps in identifying, analyzing, and catching a quality delivering hurdle during the production process.

Descriptive Statistics

  • Describes the relationship.
  • Descriptive statistics examine certain quality traits of an item such as its tendency and variability, and scalability.
  • Calculating the mean, standard deviation, the range, and a measure of the distributional data, all are done under this form.


SPC stands at the heart of quality. It is the basis for determining whether a process is “on target with minimum variance”.

Harmonize your business quality standards by applying a strategic approach and implementing Quality Management Solutions ((lead management, partner management, relationship management, and service management) thereby, helping customers to come up and share long-lasting relationships with you.

Why Statistical Quality Control Is Popular Among Customers And Companies?

“Statistical quality control acts as a major component of Total Quality Management that gradually drives traffic, boost sales and pushes business productivity ”

The Company-Consumer Profits

By stabilizing a production process and reducing the count of variations in productivity, both the consumer and the company benefit.

The consumer benefits by receiving a safe and tested product, and the company benefits by avoiding the costs and embarrassment associated with a recall.

Lowers The Spends And Time

Statistical quality control reduces the amount of money that your company is wasting on the excess material during production, whether it is scrap, giveaway,  warranties.

Also, SQC methods have proven effective in minimizing rework and delight the customers with remarkable services management tactics that save time and ensures effective workflow within an organization.

Generate Confidence In Your Product.

The standard tools play a heavy role in each phase of product development where the executives involved in various processes no longer have to wait to understand the generated reports and records for their production value.

The efficient software used provides fast and accurate comfort so that you and your stakeholders can confidently move forward with your organization’s plans satisfied with result driven solutions.

This directly builds trust and gradually pulls leads, taking the desired action on your website and fulfilling the motive of your quality based customer acquisition strategy.

The Final Say

Controlling Quality with appropriate use of statistics is very important for every company and it becomes an hourly need to accept Quality Control Techniques.

A business online or offline cannot even think of compromising over quality and neglect its hierarchical segments as if the user doesn’t get satisfied with the end result he is likely to omit your brand’s name from his memory.

To stand tall among global competitors in this third world economy, you need Statistical Process Control in your organization.

Once implemented correctly, it assists in various ways.

Industries like manufacturing control their production operations, increase throughput and provide a satisfactory consumer service through it and as a result, an increase in the overall profit of the company becomes transparent.