How To Write Effective Content For Search Engine Optimization


According to research, 46.8% of the world’s population accessed the Internet in 2017. This figure is going to move above 53% by 2021 as forecasted by data analysts. Google alone accounts for 3.5 billion searches daily, and that doesn’t involve the searches performed on Yahoo, Bing, and other search engines. If you want to improve your online presence, you need to optimize your content for search engines. Every successful site, including MyPaperDone, has content that is fully optimized for search engines. Writing effective content for SEO involves a lot. Keep reading to find out more.

How To Write Great Content For SEO

1. Make Sure Your Content is Readable

Google might be a machine but it is pretty smart and it can tell when the readability score on a page is high. One of the factors Google puts into consideration when checking out readability is the amount of time each visitor spends on your page. Google assumes that visitors spend longer time when they find the information they are looking for on a given page. However, when it’s difficult for them to read or even open a page, they quickly return to the search results. To make sure your content is readable, you must make it clear, logical, simple, and organized. Every visitor should be able to read it without assistance from someone else. That increases your website’s dwell time and subsequently your optimization. There are many online tools that you can use to access the readability of your website.

2. Use High-Quality Pictorial Illustrations

People tend to be more attracted to content with beautiful and insightful visuals than content without them. Skyword reported that articles with good visuals get 94% more views than plain texts. Does this mean you should just pick any image from the Internet and add it to your text? Not at all. Most of the images you find on Google are protected by copyright laws. So, when you use them, you will be at risk of being sued for infringement. That is why it is better to design images that directly fulfill the needs of your content. You might also think royalty-free photos will do the trick. While there is nothing wrong with using these photos, creating your visuals makes your content more authoritative, professional, and cohesive. Many visual studios are available for creating photos. Some of them are more expensive than others while some are completely free.

3. Use Targeted Keywords

Using keywords to get the attention of the search engines may seem like an outdated move but you need to understand that it isn’t. Using targeted keywords allows you to give your content to a targeted audience. There are millions of people searching the Internet daily and there are many websites that are already offering the same products and services that you’re offering. So, when you use targeted keywords, you will be able to reach those who are interested in your website. When it comes to using keywords, you don’t just need to use targeted keywords. You must use targeted, trending keywords if you want to drive traffic to your blog and generate conversions. There are online tools that can help you generate long-tail keywords that are profitable to your business. Make sure that you add these keywords naturally and avoid using too many for a piece of content. Your keyword density should not be more than 5%. The primary keywords should appear in the title, intro, subheadings, and concluding paragraph. You can also add one to the body if your content is long enough.

4. Make Your Content Long And Detailed

Google is more concerned about content quality these days than it was in the past. That is why you need to tackle topics critically. Don’t just stop at boring definitions or give only a few details. Write as many words as it takes to give a detailed analysis of the topic of interest. Blogs with well-researched content of at least 2000 words tend to grab the attention of Google more than others. Write detailed how-to articles that are made up of an in-depth analysis of how certain things work. Try not to be repetitive just because you want the content to be lengthy. Use statistics and cite studies to prove your point.

5. Provide Original Content

No matter what you do, don’t plagiarize. Plagiarism isn’t just going to hurt your website’s visibility on the search engine, it can get you sued for infringement of copyright laws. If this happens, you may lose more than your website. Make sure that your content is 100% original. That doesn’t mean you cannot get research online. What it means is that you should be creative enough to write unique content even when the work is research-based. You may be tempted to copy just a few paragraphs but you should make sure you don’t fall. When you have completed the content, use a plagiarism scanner to confirm that there is no plagiarism in the content.

Bottom Line

Writing articles that are optimized for search engines may be just what you need to showcase your content to a world of people who are interested in the services or product you have to offer. Putting these five points into consideration will help you make the best out of your blog. As a bonus tip, make sure that your content is always free of grammatical and typographical errors.